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Housing Committee Minutes 03/16/09
Chilmark Housing Committee
Meeting Minutes
Monday, March 16,  2009 at 7:00 p.m.

Present:  Andy Goldman, Chairman, Jim Feiner, Tim Lasker, William Randol, Sheila Muldaur
               and Todd Christy, Administrative Assistant
Absent: Roland Kluver

Call To Order
Mr. Goldman, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.

Meeting Minutes
Review of Minutes from January 20, 2009 Minutes approved as amended.
Review of Minutes from February 2, 2009 Minutes approved as amended.  

Debra Silliman and Jeff Wass:
Debra and Jeff came before the Housing Committee to discuss their situation concerning the possibility of receiving an Affordable Homesite Lot through the generosity of their landlord, Lori Ferrari. Debra and Jeff had been involved in the lottery process for Middle Line Road and have been previously designated as Eligible Purchasers under DCRHA income qualification and approved by the CHC. Their landlord would like to subdivide 1.0 acres off an existing 5.01 acre lot that currently has a guest house. This Lot (Map 17, Lot 45) would have frontage and access at 138 South Road. Their concerns involve the Deed Rider and their landlord's desire to receive a right of first refusal should Debra and Jeff divest of their situation. The Chair agreed to meet with the Lori Ferrari and discuss the possibilities of that Deed Rider. The meeting is tentatively set for Saturday April 4, 2009. 


Alan Healy
Alan Healy is planning on giving a 1.0 acre lot to Suzy Zell as an Affordable Homesite Lot. He currently has 4.0 acres on Quansoo Road (Map 11, parcel 29.4) . He would like to keep this house in the affordable pool, but has some concerns since his own home will be within close proximity. He would like to have the choice of future tenants should Suzy Zell divest of this situation. She has a son that may be involved in this process as he may be inheriting the house.

Middle Line Road:
The committee was updated on the status of well drilling, which is set to begin this week.

Nab's Corner:
The committee was updated as to the current status of Nabs Corner. A brief description of the new proposed curb cut and Land Bank parking area was given. The proposed buffer zone both along South Road and the Land Bank parking area was shown on the map.

Rental Assistance Program:
The Rental assistance program is now full with four recipients in Chilmark.
The committee had a question as to the process for appointing a new Chilmark Housing Committee member to DCRHA. They asked the Admin. to find out how that member was appointed.


With no further business to discuss, Mr. Goldman adjourned the meeting at 8:02 p.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Todd Christy, Administrative Assistant.